Monday, December 10, 2018

Saving Money on Heating Costs

Winter is coming; in fact, in many parts of the country, it feels like it's already here. Time to review those reminders about how to save money heating your home.

1.      Change the filter in your furnace. Not only is a filthy furnace filter a fire hazard, but a fresh filter will help your furnace run more efficiently.

2.      Replace worn weather stripping around doors and windows. Repair cracks where your precious heat could be escaping. Seal around ductwork and cable/electrical outlets. Bring your attic insulation up to code or better.

3.      Wrap hot water heaters and pipes. Turn the temperature down a few degrees if you don't relish scalding showers.

4.      Close the flue in your chimney when you're not burning a fire in the fireplace.

5.      Close heating vents in rooms you're not using.

6.      Open blinds and curtains during the day, especially in sun-facing rooms. Close them at night to preserve heat.

7.      Put a timer on your thermostat so you'll use less heat when you're away or sleeping. And turn down the temperature! Just as it's wasteful to keep your house like a meat locker in the summertime, you don't need to live in a sauna during the winter. Put on a sweater and some warm socks and save 10-30% on your heating bills.

What tips do you have for saving money on heating costs? I'd love to hear your comments.

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